Sabrina was FHM Thai edition's Regional Babe for March 2007. Her mother was a mix of Singaporean and Indonesian. Her father was Portuguese. The results are pretty nice. She seems quite the little minx. The interview delves a little into her personal likes - she loves shoes (don't we all) and she loves to show cleavage (we all love to watch). They go on in the interview with some more questions about her love life and things she likes to do. You can read those fascinating details on the photo pages. The captions for the thumbnails give a little hint and will make you so curious to click through and read it all.
Sabrina $ex twice a day

Sabrina says she stays in shape by controlling her food carefully and doing "it" at least twice a day. She must be quite the little bunk bunny if she counts on that for her exercise.
Nice rear on dance floor

Sabrina tells the story of how she was at a club recently (not sure where, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, who knows) and a guy came up to her to ask her to dance. He was very smooth. He said she had a really nice rear end and he wanted to see her shaking it out on the dance floor. She wasn't pleased. She didn't say what kind of pickup lines she likes but that wasn't one of them.
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