Like Borat, most males have entertained the thought of kidnapping Pamela Anderson, marrying her and living happily ever after. She was the main reason anyone watched Baywatch and most teenage boys managed to get their hands on a copy of one of her Playboy spreads. Now over 40, Pam still looks pretty fine in a bikini.
So the tough question of the week - Which bikini does Pamela Anderson look hottest in?

When Pamela Anderson was born in Comox, British Columbia, Canada she was known as the Canada’s “Centennial Baby” as she was thought to be the first baby born on Canada’s Centennial Day.

Anderson was discovered at a Canadian football game when she was featured on the stadium screen wearing a Labatt’s t-shirt. The crowd went crazy and Labatt’s immediately offered her a modeling contract. The rest is history.

Pamela has had a crazy personal life. She married rocker Tommy Lee a scant 96 hours after meeting him. They divorced with two kids, 3 years later. She married Kid Rock, and then divorced him 4 months later. She also divorced Rick Salomon 4 months after a quickie Vegas wedding.
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